Tech Life
News and latest updates from Arun Bhatia Issue-1

Going back to Linkedin to check which was my first article post I landed up on this one dated August 1, 2016: "Came across this amazing piece on Obsolescence” replicated below at the end of this newsletter: -
It got me thinking all over again……
How could this primitive incandescent light bulb at a fire station in Livermore, California, last so long?
It has been “on" almost continuously since 1901.
In 2015 it was recognized by Guinness World Records as the world’s longest-burning bulb.
Is continuing to burn and has already clocked 1 million hours!
As engineers, we know how we grapple with releasing a product that lasts at least 2 years or 1 year. We know that the average life of the incandescent lamp is 1000 hours. Then how has this bulb lasted for over a million hours? Could the incandescent lamps have been made more optimum to last longer than they actually did? Would the lamp industry not have been profitable enough if the lamp had lasted longer? Could we not have made “normal" and "high life" incandescent lamps? Now that it is the age of the LEDs, when will we have an LED bulb that has lasted so long; or long enough? If someone has an LED bulb that could compete with this champion bulb, please inform. Of course, we will allow some grace and consider the LED competitor in the race even if it has a poorer CRI! Ponder and think! Cheers!
